How Much Does It Cost To Reupholster A Massage Table?

The single most important tool of a massage therapist is his or her massage table cost. The ideal table will amplify the comfort and effectiveness of your massages, allowing you to perform at your best potential and providing your clients with the full health benefits of their massage treatments. Your practice’s core is your table, which is one of the most significant purchases you’ll ever make. But, with so many various massage tables for sale, how do you know which one to select?

Here are some important factors to consider when buying a massage table:

Price Point

If you want to be a successful massage therapist, investing in a quality massage table and furniture upholstery is essential. Research the cost of massage tables before making your purchase so that you know what to expect and can set a realistic budget for your upholstered furniture or upholstery fabric. A professional grade table with superior ergonomic features, padding, and comfort level will pay for itself over time through repeat happy customers and increased business.


Although the name of a company might not hold much weight in your final decision, learning about the well-known brands and what each offer is a good idea.


Portable or stationary? Dynamic or static? You need to know which type of table is the best match for your practice.


Massage tables are used frequently over the course of their existence. The continual contact of clients’ bodies onto and off the table can cause damage to a low-cost model, but this isn’t an issue with professional-grade tables. Everything, from the frame to the vinyl to the screws and mechanical components, is produced using top-of-the-line materials and craftsmanship.

Pay attention to the foam construction of the massage table when buying a new one. Foam is undoubtedly one of the most important components of a massage table’s overall comfort. A lower quality foam or outdoor cushions will cause less comfort during the treatment. However, remember that extra foam on a massage table implies greater weight. There’s a distinction between massage tables made with good foam and those constructed with an excess of foam.

When selecting a massage table, don’t forget to consider the type of vinyl it is made from. While foam is more important, vinyl still contributes to the table’s overall comfort. Lower-quality vinyl will have a rougher, leathery texture whereas higher-end vinyl will be softer and more delicate.

Massage tables are generally made of PVC or PU, although both provide a professional appearance and feel. Some therapists prefer PVC while others lean toward PU, but you can’t go wrong with either option of massage equipment.


If you’re going to bring your massage’s entire table with you on trips, choose a model that’s not too heavy and has custom slipcovers. Between 20 to 40 pounds is often best for those who have to carry it some distance, but if you’ll only use it close by then the weight isn’t as important.

Factors Affect The Massage Table Costs

The furniture reupholstery cost of a massage table is determined by a variety of elements. A modest sum of money may go a long way, or you may spend upwards of $4000 on a massage table. You can expect to encounter a similar price range wherever you purchase, given the many variables that must be considered while selecting the best massage table for your requirements to save money.

Stationary or Portable?

The type of table you require is one of the most important factors to take into account while calculating its cost. Due to their light and basic construction, portable tables are less expensive than stationary tables. Despite this, many portable tables have remarkable durability, as evidenced by their long lifespan.

Massage Table Materials

When perusing pricing tables, be cognizant of the materials from which they are composed. Some table bases may utilize beech wood while others boast maple wood finishes or steel frames. Polyurethane upholstery is the most prevalent, and many producers guarantee their upholstery is devoid of harmful chlorofluorocarbons. Both Oakworks and Earthlite operate with a commitment to building massage tables utilizing eco-friendly materials–a cost-conscious measure for those who hope to ameliorate their carbon footprint upon purchase.

Table Accessories

The cost of a massage table and the new fabric is usually determined by the number of optional attachments available. Some tables come with pillows, head rests, face cradles, extra storage, and/or warming pads. When buying massage tables, think about which accessories are necessary for your needs and how much they’ll cost when purchased separately.

Lift Mechanics

Another pricing factor to consider when buying a stationary massage table is how the lift feature works. Hydraulic and electric models typically cost more than tables that have to be adjusted manually.

Warranty and Satisfaction Guarantee

It’s not necessary to spend money on a new massage table or on a chaise lounge without a guarantee. Many of the massage tables offered by Massage Tables Now come with lifetime limited warranties from the manufacturers. Warranty guarantees, regardless of how long they last or whether they are covered, should be taken into account while pricing a massage table.


When you’re ready to purchase a new massage table or old furniture, be sure to keep the cost factors we’ve listed in mind. Do your research and find the table that fits both your budget and your professional needs. Choosing the right table doesn’t have to be complicated – let Massage Tables Now help you make the perfect selection for your business.

One main factor that will affect the cost of your professional upholsterer massage table is whether you need a portable or stationary model. Portable massage tables are less expensive than their stationary counterparts because they are usually made with lighter materials and have simpler construction. However, a portable table may not have the same lifespan as a stationary table. If you plan on traveling with your massage table, A relatively lightweight model is important to choose. The weight you can handle will depend on your strength, but in general, it is a better idea to choose models that weigh 40 pounds or less.

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